Friday, February 6, 2009

Shins - Garden State

Artist: Shins
Album: Garden State
Shins Garden State
Tracklist :
  • Caring Is Creepy
  • New Slang

I love you, but I'm not 'in love' with you?

first off, who out there besides me HATES this phrase? Brief overview, dated for a year, his ex wife psychotically (sp) hates me. He started out saying 'i love you' and planning for a life for us together. Then after seeing him through what was probably the hardest year of his life (agonizing to watch) he decides he loves me, but he's not in love with me. Breaks it off stating that he couldn't fight his ex over the kids without hurting the kids (the fight would be caused by the fact that I'm just me. I've never been unpleasant to her etc. she just really really hates me) she was using the kids as pawns. So he's called me several times in the last week and a half we've been broken up and now has decided that he'll have to fight her in court so he can have the kids around whoever he wants now without her freaking out. Ok, So NOW he can handle it? and when he broke up with me he told me he would never come back to me he couldn't do that to me. Then he asked me two days later if he wanted to come back someday if I would take him back. WTF??? I am head over heels butt crazy in love with this guy. I always will be. I was taught to love completely and unconditionaly, but I still want to kick him in the shin, What oh what do I do?

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